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MAID OF ACE "Live Fast Or Die" 2020

MAID OF ACE "Live Fast Or Die" 2020

Review Published: 04 February 2021
  • Label: Self-Released
  • Format: CD/LP
  • Release Date: 27.08.2020

In a few days, this band went - as far as I AM concerned - from the "totally unknown band" status to .. the one of "THE band I can't live without" ! Until November 2020, I had never heard from them and my life was suddenly changed when I saw them live opening for THE EXPLOITED .. their high-energetic powerful live-performance definitely blew me away - believe me I've seen countless shows, their show is among the BEST ones ever seen ! - and that was a turning point of my life !!!
Particularity of the band ? They're are 4 SISTERS hailing from Hasting, UK, formed in 2005... And I guess they were already forming a band even before they knew it... Why ? .. Alison Cara Elliott , Anna Coral Elliott, Abby Charlotte Elliott and Amy Catherine Elliott.. what do we have here ? Yes, all the A.C.E's - you get it ? Now we can go on !
So, after i got this Live-Revelation, it was urgent to get their albums and to my greatest satisfaction, not only they're a tremendous live-band, but their music also on physical formats delivers the same powerful performance - this is kinda melodious yet gnarling hi-energy punk-rock taking influences from the likes of the Distillers, the Runaways and The Casualties... I find the debut album in 2014 had more "rock'n'roll" touches in, but "Maid In England", two years later already showed a more confident band and their style was alot sharper - they knew how to combine the "hard/fast/loud/dirty" style with "melodious/catchy" touches.. and now with "Live Fast Or Die", it's clear they've found their style, it is even more assumed and composed without any questions, straight ahead with the energy as if their lives depended on it - that PUNK attitude !
Songs of "Live Fast Or Die" are vivid, rageous, the energy is maintained throughout the album, no time to rest or breath, relentless sharped rythmics all the way, shredding vocals, great catchy choruses... try "Let's Go", "Repent", "The Terror", you'll be blown away !
2020 sucked big time 'cos of that Covid-19 SHITuation, but "Live Fast Or Die" saved it !

PS : Congrats to the parents - you can be proud of your daughters !!!

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Born 1969, grew up with the NWOBHM sounds, musically educated with cult french magazines that were ENFER and METAL ATTACK, definitely nailed to the style when "The Number Of The Beast" by IRON MAIDEN was released... From 1982, it was clear life would never be the same ! Young & getting wild to the HEAVY sounds of SAXON, VENOM, BLACK SABBATH, MOTORHEAD, Young Fab also discovered thanks to school mates the NOISE, FILTH & FURY of Hard-Core/Punk bands like G.B.H, DISCHARGE, BROKEN BONES but also CRO-MAGS, BAD BRAINS, FUGAZI... and later on, through the 90's, everything that was ALTERNATIVE, EXPERIMENTAL, GRUNGE, INDUSTRIAL (SONIC YOUTH, NINE INCH NAILS, SOUDGARDEN, ALICE IN CHAINS)... Passion & curiosity grew up as years went by ... Fate was SEALED... no turning back ! No Music = No Life !

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